Conferences and Exhibitions
OSH Pro brings together OSH professionals/experts, researchers, employers, workers and others interested parties, both local and international to share competencies, skills and exchange experiences with the overall objective to propagate health promoting OSH practices and workers’ work ability.

OSH Pro Services has as part of its portfolio, conducting OSH research to identify the most practical solutions to occupational safety and health challenges. Further, specific workplace focused research work would be conducted in cooperation with workplaces to establish good practices and improving work environment.

Workplace Survey
OSH Pro Services conducts workplace survey to assess work conditions and other workers’ situations in assisting companies management in improving work environment. Other surveys such as mapping workers’ well-being can also be done.

Workplace risk assessment and documentation
OSH Pro Services supports workplace risk assessment to promote good working condition, reduces incidences of uncertainties by providing tools for systematic and sustainable assessment performance.

Digital Solutions
– OSH Management Systems with cognitive solutions adapted for the workplace.
– Digital workplace solutions such as chemicals inventories, safety monitoring and record keeping.
-Tailor-made online training packages for continuous learning of both employers and workers.

OSH Workshops
OSH Pro Services hosts and conducts workshops applying creative thinking and discussions between associates together with other OSH professionals in order to find practical solutions and in attenuation of workplace challenges.
We appreciate that OSH needs vary from industry to industry and client to client. The dynamic and adaptive structure of our organization allows us to incorporate each client’s particular needs into our services regardless of size and complexity.
The goal, ultimately, is to provide meaningful services that improve worker safety and health and in turn their productive output.

Government, Parastatals
We offer services such mapping of OSH requirement implementation to build good basis for all-round occupational health promotion in all affiliates.

Build prevention culture through knowledge-based functional activities and digital tools, and supporting implementation of industrial/occupational hygiene solutions.

Service Providers
Knowledge-based and creative solutions to age-old challenges, with cognitive design that caters for the different needs of different services providers.
80100, 98919.
Coast House, Kilindini District
+254 721 675969
+47 90949602